Thursday, February 7, 2008


I guess its a custom to start a blog of with an introduction about onself, or in my case myself -- But if you are reading this I would guess that you would have a greater idea about myself than what I would. I have no intention of explaining the unexplainable or try to cover the uncoverable (Or should be uncover the unfathomable). One thing I will say is that I straightways am sorry for any bad grammar or spelling, but it seems to be increasingly prevelant in how I write. Thus saying, I will be taking my time and thought in writing - as not doing so would show total disregard to the reader. One thing I have noticed is that people judge your level of english as your intellengence, which, though mine being of a poor quality, I don't mind because I suprise people even when I seemingly struggle to speak two words of english together. I'll generally post in English, though I'll post some articles in Sinhala and Tamil depending on the situation. Some people think I do it out of arrogance, maybe - but the actual reason is to hide what I want to say from those that I wish to remain unknowing. As it bugs me when people start in one language and finish in another, or mix it all the way through, I will try my best not to that. So what will this blog be about? And what is the Siyabala Express? Well Siyabala is the Sinhala word for Tamarind, which is a sweet and sour citrus-tasting-like fruit. An Express, in this case is a train that runs from one destination to another. Life has a beginning and ending, and it doesn't stop - and its sweet but sour. The fact I choose Sinhala and not Tamil is ironic -- It doesn't gloss well because there are two letter "l"s in Tamil, which is hard to describe in English. puLi = tamarind, puli = tiger - so a blog called the Tiger Express may give people the wrong ideas. But Yeah, its a blog that resembles somewhat my life. And without giving away my first post - I'll finish the introduction here.

1 comment:

Six & Out said...

Heil Kolla! Welcome to the blogging regime. Enjoy the snacks. Added you to my blogroll as well! Nice intro there buddy. Hope to see some good posts from ya!